What we have to do to change our sentences from present tense to past tense is to replace our verb to be in present tense for the respective verb to be in past tense.
Lo que tenemos que hacer para cambiar nuestras oraciones en tiempo presente a tiempo pasado es reemplazar el verbo ser/estar en tiempo presente por el respectivo verbo ser/estar en tiempo pasado.
Personal Pronoun |
Verb to be/ Present Tense |
Verb to be/ Past Tense |
Traducción |
I | Am | Was | Yo fui/era/estaba |
He | Is | Was | el fue/era/estaba |
She | Is | Was | ella fue/era/estaba |
It | Is | Was | eso fue/era/estaba |
We |
Are | Were | nosotros fuimos/eramos/estabamos |
They | Are | Were | ellos fueron/eran/estaban |
You | Are | Were |
usted fue/era/estaba
ustedes fueron/eran/estaban |
Presente: I am sick.
Pasado: I was sick.
Presente: She is not a doctor.
Pasado: She was not a doctor.
Presente: Are they brothers?
Pasado: Were they brothers?
Adjectives are words we use to modify, describe or identify a person, animal or object. Los adjetivos son palabras que utilizamos para modificar, describir o identificar a una persona, animal u objeto.
The red car.
The big Wall.
The old man.
Adjectives can be classified into many categories. In English, adjectives are generally used in the order: quantity->opinion->size->age->shape->color->origin->material->purpose. Some of these categories: Los adjetivos pueden clasificarse en varias categorias. En ingles, los adjetivos por lo general se utilizan en el siguiente orden: cantidad->opinion->tamaño->edad->tamaño->color->origen->material->propósito. Algunas de estas categorias son:
Quantity | Size | Age | Shape | Color | Origin | Material | Purpose | Noun |
five | huge | young | Black | Canadian | Bears | |||
old | shapeless | gray | cotton | work | Pants | |
many | antique | British | reference | Books | ||||
one | teenaged | American | Boy | |||||
few | round | blue | Indian | Gems | ||||
many | tiny | elongated | brown | wooden | fishing | Boats | ||
several | large | purple | polyester | sleeping | bags |
Possessive adjectives show to whom or to what a thing belongs to. Grammatically work as an article, so is always written before the object you want to show possession. These possessive adjectives are:
Los adjetivos posesivos indican a quién o a qué pertenece una cosa. Gramaticalmente funciona como un artículo, por lo tanto siempre va antes del objeto al cual se quiere mostrar posesión. Estos adjetivos posesivos son:
Personal Pronoun |
Possessive Adjective |
Traducción |
I | My | mi, mis |
You | Your | tu, tus |
He | His | su, sus(a él) |
She | Her | su, sus(a ella) |
It | Its | su, sus(a él/ella) |
We | Our | nuestro(s), nuestra(s) |
They | Their | su, sus(a ellos/ellas) |
You | Your | su, sus(a ustedes) |
Possessive pronouns are used to show to whom a thing belongs. A possessive pronoun is used instead of a noun. Possessive pronouns are:
Se utilizan para indicar a quién pertenece algo. El pronombre posesivo se utiliza en vez del sustantivo. Los pronombres possessivos son:
Personal Pronoun |
Possessive Pronouns |
Traducción |
I | Mine | mio/a, mios/as |
You | Yours | tuyo/a, tuyos/as |
He | His | suyo, suyos |
She | Hers | suya, suyas |
It | Its | suyo/a, suyos/as |
We | Ours | nuestro/a, nuestra/as |
They | Theirs |
suyo/a, suyos/as |
You | Yours | de ustedes |